People’s Tribunal

Arrest them for soaring inflation

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Judge Mbadwa,

I have decided to pen you again, but this time to seek your explanation because I have received numerous queries on why you are claiming to be the most competent court; a tribunal that does not look at issues from the prism of partiality or depending on the political correctness of the person in the dock.

Your court addressed the issue of leader of Land of People Organisation Vinja Mpolitiki who has just been handed an 18-month suspended sentence, but I could read between lines that you have now become a fan of this guy.

Now that he harbours political ambitions, are you going to join this guy? Does your profession allow you to wear garb that is reserved for anyamata a moralo or young democrats that are neither young nor democrat?

My Lord, where do you draw your authority from? The court should have addressed the issue of soaring inflation and whether the K2000 note as seen from a specimen is an ugly piece of art.

Can’t you order the arrest of the people who have presided over the economy when inflation reached its highest record?

Your tribunal will be labelled another monster without teeth, if these people who have failed to manage the economy will not be taken to task.

Tell me you can jail them, My Lord, for being unpatriotic and for messing up the country.

I remember the lessons we got when you first started handling cases in your court and with a hoarse voice you told us: “firstly, the power of this court to adjudicate cases or issue orders is not derived by the conventional judicial systems as defined by the Republican Constitution, neither is it guided by international law as is the case with the International Criminal Court and other adjudicating agencies. This is just a citizen court that looks at issues affecting the citizens and whose power to dispense justice is defined by public interest.”

So, do you really have powers My Lord?

I hope this letter is not going to be construed as an act of undermining the authority of a competent court of law. I was just writing on behalf of angry citizens who want justice done.


Ndalama ya Kwacha yochepa mphamvu ija.

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